Friday, February 5, 2010

My favourite time of year...

...and no, it's not summer (well, it is that too) it is...

Back to School stationery time!!!!!!!!!

OMG, it's paper-o-holic heaven, all those exercise books, and notebooks, not to mention the pens, and pencils and must have pencil sharpeners. I fell vicitm to a set of Curly Girl pencils in The University Book Shop, but hey, it's a seasonal thing, you have to do it, otherwise it would be like not buying daffodils in the spring, or not eating yourself stupid on the cherrys at this time of year, it would be foolish.

So instead of fighting my inner bean counter, I embrace the season, fill up the cupboard, and then flop down in the chair feeling happily sated for another year.

Happy sigh.


SueMcMillan said...

Yes, stationary! A kind of heaven. Pens that write smoothly across fresh untouched paper! Pencils that are yet to be chewed. Rubbers pristine white.That wonderful sound inside your pencil case when you're rifling for just the right pen.
It must be a writerly thing.

Mary McCallum said...

My daughter took me to a place where everything was colour-coded, there were textured pencils, heart and skull rubbers (sorry, erasers), and pens with mazes inside them - can't remember the name of the shop, but her pencil case looks amazing ...

逛街 said...
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Claire Beynon said...

Hi Vanda
I've just seen that Containment is in the top three on Nielson's bestseller's list - congratulations!
See you at lunch at JB's this afty.
L, C

Sue McMillan said...

Mary, the shop you went to is Smiggles. And those erasers are perfumed! What more do you want.

Dave B said...

All totally tax deductible too.


Just in case you hadn't thought of that.

Vanda Symon said...

We love Smiggle, so much fun.

Don't worry Dave, I'm very well aware of the fact it's tax deductible!

Thank you Claire - thrilled to have gone up to number three!!!!!