Wednesday turned out to be one of those, phew, survived that, days.

On the second Wednesday of each month I produce and host a radio show
Write On for the
Otago Southland Branch of the NZSA on
Hills Am Community radio. I usually talk to a couple of local writers or book industry people, although have been known to throw in the odd international super-star. Please note the gratuitous fan shot with
Ian Rankin, who I got to interview last year, much to the delight of Hugh, the station manager. "You're interviewing Ian Rankin! For us? Oh my god. You've got to get him to do us a sound bite."
Community radio rocks.

This Wednesday for June's episode of
Write On I had a lovely chat with
Penelope Todd, who's book
Digging for Spain I've reviewed and loved, and
Emma Neale who has recently released her collection of poetry
Spark and an anthology of poetry she has edited,
Swings + Roundabouts.
On the Tuesday I'd received a phone call from Charlotte, the producer for
Channel 9 Television's Dunedin Diary programme, to say, um, er, Vanda, everyone's pulled out sick, can you do book reviews tomorrow? No prob Charlotte. Gulp. Thank heavens I had some books I'd already read up my sleeve.
So here are my notes for my three minute slot with Dougal.
Swings + Roundabouts: Poems on Parenthood.Edited by Emma Neale.

Parenthood and its demands is a commonality we all share. Whether or not we have had our own, all of us are someone's child and know what those special relationships bring. Emma Neale undertook the huge task of compiling an anthology of poetry on parenthood from submissions from poets in New Zealand and Australia, as well as selected poems she'd come across as a reader and lover of poetry.
Having children brings with it love, joys, fears, incredulous moments and lots of attitude and I thinks Emma's collection represents well the whole spectrum of emotions. And its not just poems about babies, but also older children, teenagers, adult children and even reversals - an adult child having to look after their parent. I think there's something there for everyone.
The book also contains photographs by Mark Smith which add beautifully its overall mood.
I think this is a real, honest collection that expresses the good, the bad, the sad and the amusing. I recommend it for anyone who enjoys poetry and also those who enjoy reading about family and relationships.
The Business of Documentary Filmmakingby Claudia Babirat and Lloyd Spencer Davis

This is a pretty specialised book on the topic of Documentary Filmmaking, which I don't do, but I found fascinating and think the principles it talks about translate into most artistic forms of endeavour. It is what it states: a book on the
business of documentary filmmaking. Not how to write or create a documentary, but how to cope with the practical aspects of it, and written by people who have been doing it successfully for years.
As such it is very down to earth and useful, talking about approaching filmmaking as a business; planning, budgeting, funding, business plans - all those horribly unromantic, but essential things a budding filmmaker needs to do. It demonstrates clearly that it's hard work, and you need passion and commitment. It contains case studies of successful people in the industry, which adds that inspiration edge to the book, but basically it is a solid, practical New Zealand guide which if you've even contemplated filmmaking, you must read.