Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mo Hayder - wow.

I had the pleasure of seeing Mo Hayder in action when I was enjoying my wallow in the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival.

She was stunning, articulate, funny, a natural story teller, generous with the unfair, getting so much talent in one little energetic bundle. Ahhh, but could she write...

Oh, yes.

I finished Ritual at 2.30 in the morning - had to finish it, wasn't going to sleep if I didn't, there was no point resisting. It left me feeling fully satisfied as a reader, and wanting more. It also left me feeling in awe of her abilities.

So Ritual gets a five star rating from me -

Great Characters
Creepy and fascinating subject matter.
Fabulous plot and sub-plots.
Skilled writing.



Erin said...

Sounds great, just what I need for an int'l airplane flight! Thanks for the tips. Will update my list.

Mary McCallum said...

Hi Vanda -- To date I've only flirted with crime fiction as a reader, although it fascinates me the number of little old ladies who come into the bookshop where I work, and when I ask what they like to read they lean in close and whisper conspiratorially 'crime'. And now your blog has got me thinking I should be settling in for more of a reading relationship with this genre. I'll let you know how I go.