A few months ago I entered a competition for Stephen King's upcoming short story collection Just After Sunset. I like entering competitions, because, hey, who doesn't like getting free stuff. I'm fairly lucky too - my strike rate is pretty good. This one was in conjunction with the Sunday Star-Times and Sky Television.
In this competition, as well as the much anticipated new book, the prize pack contained a little reference to also winning a copy of the Stephen King books which had made it onto screen. At the time I thought that would be a nice little bonus, but it was the short story collection I was really lusting after.
Well, lo and behold, I won the thing! Very excited. But the gratification had to be delayed as Just After Sunset was embargoed until November. But, the lovely lady said, we'll send you the other books now. Enjoy! I thought, excellent, that will be 7 or 8 books. I slightly underestimated. A little box arrived with, wait for it, twenty-seven, yes, twenty-seven Stephen King novels.
That more than filled up the new bookshelf.
Anyway, this is all a longwinded way of saying that Just After Sunset has just this moment arrived with the courier. It seems like a happy reward for having to deal with snow on the car when I went out this morning.
A nice chilling way to ward off the chill.
Oh, vell done Vanda!
Verily, you are the queen of contests.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Well done Vanda.
I should have mentioned in the blog that they also accidentally sent me another 6 Stephen King books, duplicates, so all in all, including the short stories - 34 books!
I put my PTA mum hat on and emailed them telling them they'd accidentally sent the extra six, but if they didn't want to be bothered with return postage etc. could I please keep them to be a prize in the school fair next year. So there's a good raffle prize.
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