After I got over the embarrassment of that unfortunate suitcase contents on public display incident, we loaded up the bus, (verdict - comfortable, but smelly) and trooped onwards to Christchurch City Library for our first performance. Naturally I was feeling a bit nervous as this was our first chance to see each other in action and gauge what the company was going to be like on the bus. Decided pretty quickly we were in for a good time.
After the gig we had a bit of time to kill, so the ladies indulged me by being dragged half way across town to look at some second hand book shops. It wasn't a wasted effort as I picked up three Ngaio Marsh and a book about some detective in the 1930's. A bit of a bad omen that I buy 4 books on the first day.
We properly hit the road and head for Darfield.
When we arrive at our accommodation I begin to wonder what we're in for when the slightly under the weather motelier throws 6 keys at us, then asks if we've got a problem with that? The key I'm given is labeled room number 12. There are only ten rooms at the Motel. Anna's is labeled 'Office.' Hmmmm. After some trial and error we find that key 12 opens room 3 and the office key opens room 7. It makes as much sense as the motellier.
Our function that evening is at the Darfield Public Library, where one of the highlights is Glen's amazing Dr Who memorabilia display, including the model Tardis he made himself - we like Glen. The evening goes really well and we all discover, much to our delight, that David expects us to be very hands with his plays. Always fancied myself as an actress. Got to play a chick named Morag.
Mental note to self - be careful about what extracts I choose to read and the number of expletives involved in them.
We have a little wander around the town and find a bar to retire to, but not before David records this moment for posterity, seeing as he is in crusader territory. This mural is on the wall of the local Butcher Shop. David wanted the image to go on his blog day for Beattie's Book Blog, but dammit, we couldn't get the technology to work, so here it is, titled The Sword is Mightier than the Pen - WOW in Crusader Country.
Oooh, I forgot to mention - thanks to Rachael King for popping in at Christchurch to see us - lovely to have you in the audience.
I like your play on words Vanda "time to kill"... I hope not, but i hope time to plan a fictional killing.
By the way, are you going to make it to Wellywood for the National AGM?
I fully understand if you have had enough of "on the road".
You were in great company - Mr Brawn-less, but brain-ias, is such a character - well I don't actually know, but his writing seems to suggest so.
What fun, and here's to the Book Council for organising these things (they do, don't they?).
Hi Maggie. No, I'm having to pass on Welly as I've been away from home for the last two weeks, so it's family time. Appreciated your accommodation offer though - thanks!
My fellow travelers were all brilliant company - we had a lot of fun together.
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