My baby has made it to the shelves. Containment is out there, jostling for attention, saying, pick me, pick me, take me home to read. We went for a wander into town yesterday and I got quite a surprise to see it in the shops, and was very pleased to see how much shelf space I got at Paper Plus, bless them.
Now I have a book launch to look forward to. So if you happen to be in Dunedin tomorrow (Tuesday) evening come along to the University Book Shop at 6.00pm and join me and a bunch of friends, family and fellow book lovers for some drinks nibbles and a few speeches.
The speeches will be short, promise.
Congratulations!! I wish you much success.
Have a great launch Vanda! Wish I could be there. x
I can hardly contain myself.
See you tomorrow night x
Great news, Vanda. Wish I could be there. I will get down to Dunedin again one day (-: May your book fill the bookshop shelves and be sold in large numbers.
Well done & congtas Vanda
sorry - that was congrats !
Best of luck Vanda and congrats too of course! Looking forward to my copy making its way up here!
Fabulous! All the best.
It's a great, great read. I loved it. Spent most of Sat on the couch in my pjs reading and finished it off early Sunday morning (had to stop reading to prepare dinner for the daughter's boyfriend's parents!).
Page turner, funny, interesting, multi-layered characters with a hint that there is still more of this story to come. Well done, buddy. Proud of ya!
Sorry I missed it Vanda. Hopefully I'll get there next time.
I opened my DScene today and right in the middle (p16) was a big one page spread about your new book.
Well Done! Buzzing for you.
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