Sunday, June 17, 2012

Celebrating Reginald Hill

Celebrating Reginald Hill during the Crime Writers' Association's Crime Writing Month 2012 is a website dedicated to all things Reginald Hill, the fabulous British crime writer who died early this year. Hosts Margot Kinberg and Rhian Davies have pulled together a month's worth of posts from authors, bloggers and people who knew Hill as a commemoration of his impressive body of work. He is best known as the creator of the Dalziel and Pascoe books, but he also wrote thrillers, historic and science fiction. There has been a wonderful variety of posts so far, and plenty more to come.

Check out the website here


crimeficreader said...

Many thanks for the mention of the site, Vanda, and also for your wonderful contribution!

Anonymous said...

Vanda - Thanks for the kind mention. Thanks also for your own contribution :-).