Monday, July 6, 2009

Ten good reasons to tidy your desk

1. The cheque for $50.00 that was buried under a pile of stuff.
2. $6.40 in assorted loose change.
3. The $40.00 worth of petrol vouchers that were buried under the piles of stuff (see a pattern here?)
4. The newspaper clippings re-discovered that had been inspiration for novel number 4
5. The satisfaction of putting all the doings - drafts, scribbled notes, research notes and newspaper clippings for novel number 3 into a dox-box and away - damn good feeling.
6. A long lost USB pen drive.
7. Rediscovering a brilliant Peanuts comic strip I'd clipped.
8. Finding a 3 free DVD rental voucher for the Dunedin Public Library.
9. Re-reading a lovely letter from my Mum.
10. Discovering my desk actually has a wooden surface!


Erin said...

well done... you should give Dan some tips, his desk is NEVER clean

Vanda Symon said...

And of course yours is always pristine, isn't it Erin? (-:

Mary McCallum said...

heh heh heh ....

Shaylen Maxwell said...

Neat! I still have yet to clean my desk and I know there is a check under there. And I believe mine is wood too! LOL!

Erin said...

I don't know what you're talking about... I don't have a desk, I have a work space and it's part of the creative process to have it be a work in progress!