Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Fiction ... Finalist!

I'm rapt with the news The Faceless has been names as a finalist in the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Fiction.

My fellow finalists for the award this year are:

Paul Thomas - Death on Demand
Paul Cleave - The Laughterhouse
Julian Novitz - Little Sister

The winner will be announced on the 2nd of December.

Here's the link to the official announcement via Beattie's Book Blog.

It is brilliant that the New Zealand crime fiction award bears the name of Ngaio Marsh. As you all know, I'm a bit of a fan of Ngaio's and feel extraordinarily proud to be a finalist.


Anonymous said...

So very happy for you, Vanda!! Well done you!

Anonymous said...

Well done Vanda! I really enjoyed The Faceless, it totally deserves to win and can't wait to hear the good news! Looking forward to your next book,


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Vanda!

Shall keep my fingers and toes crossed for you :)

Vanda Symon said...

Thanks, everyone. Now comes the horrible waiting time...