Amongst the, er, haul of books I happily removed from the University Book Shop were a heap of Crime Time books - a journal of crime fiction that comes out of Britain. They were editions that were a few years old, but hey, its all new material to me.
The issues I brought were:
Women in Crime
The Sherlock Holmes Issue
Key Crime Movies
US vs UK

Ed McBain & Ian Rankin
Sue Grafton
Elmore Leonard & Val McDermid
The Pulps.
I can justify it by calling it research.
Nice. Crime Time is still around, although recently they have switched to online only. They actually have a short article on Paul Cleave in their current 'edition', so to speak. I have been talking to the editor about writing for them...
Vanda, you'll need a bigger house soon !! Or perhaps just add on a room for library/writing room?
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