We finished reading Sting by Raymond Huber as the bed time story book with the boys tonight. It was a great story and I especially enjoyed the fact Ziggy, the star of the book kept true to beeishness. He and all the characters behaved like the little critters actually would, (unlike some of the ones we see at the kids movies) so as well as really enjoying the story, and laughing at the jokes, the boys learned a lot about the world of bees.
The best endorsement was the fact Mr Seven-year-old grabbed the book the moment I finished reading the story to them and proceeded to start reading it again for himself.
An especially good book for boys.
Thank you Vanda (and family). I'm really pleased you thought the characters stayed true to their 'beeishness'(lovely sibilant word). I wanted that realism to underpin the fantasy. I was inspired by 2 great animal novels: Silverwing (bats) and Beak of the Moon (keas).
We've got Beak of the Moon, but it would take quite a long time to get through that for bed-time reading, probably a couple of months!
We're on to the next Narnia book tonight.
I ended up missing my yoga class this morning because I was enjoying Sting, Raymond - completely lost track of the time! I found a small stall of omegas at this market, by the way.
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